There are 71905 events and exhibitions going on the globe every year !

There is at list one that been created exactly for your business and needs. 

We are taking care about all

  • 1 - How to make a decision?

    We know how to find the best events in your industry

    THERE ARE 71905 EVENTS AND EXHIBITIONS GOING ON THE GLOBE EVERY YEAR ! And we know how complicated it can be to make a decision.
    Online or offline? Country, visitors, organizer..... then goes - to attend or to have a booth, how to calculate budget, ROI, and our favorite part - how to make a decision which team member will go to event... Or, brave one - maybe create our own summit...? 

    We have faced with "making decision" problems around million times for past 10 years and for our team and for our clients. Today, we are rockstars at event & exhibition marketing.
    If you want to attend or exhibit and avoid  the headache - please call us. First consultation is always free.
    We can consult, train your team, choose right event, help with travel organization and make you shinning bright company at the show. Anyway, we can make your event life easy and comfortable. Again, just let us know.

  • 2 - How to prepare for an event or trade show?

    and don't miss anything

    We provide you with a full Service of event preparation: 

    1. Event Lead Generations Strategy 
    2. Marketing Materials;
    3. Clever event announcements session for your customers;
    4. Event coaching of your team;
    5. Exhibition stand design and production;
    6. Pitches, introductions and other sales points plans;
    7. General event behaviour strategy;
    8. Creative tricks;
    9. PR support

    Choose all of them or pick couple, we will provide you with amazing event & exhibition marketing solutions.

  • 3 - Proper Event Behaviour

    How to get from your event most it has to offer

    Every business event or a trade show is a big jungles, but we know the rules. With a proper preparations, your leads will reach you very quickly and everyone who did not - will find you later. 

    We care of our customer's good look and smart solutions to attract attention. 

    No matter where you are at the Globe - we adapt space and your cases into 15 seconds for you to leave mark in your leads mind.  
    And, we provide fast event CRM solutions for quick event reactions. 

  • 4 - After event Actions

    How to keep every lead?

    While you are getting back to office or resting after a long event's day - we are converting your materials into promotions to keep all your new leads safe and ready for next actions with your company.
    We provide couple different types of after event planning, it depends on size or industry.

    Our main goal - to keep all the new connections close to your company, make a hype about everyone who did not attend the event and make good analisys for your future events or other marketing actions.

  • Force Majeure

    and other emergency cases fixing

    No force majeur when you deal with professionals 😎

We specify on

Business Events, Conferences & Summits

Strategy, lead generation and great hype

Exhibitions & Global Roadshows

Worldwide solutions and stand building 

Event Strategies

& Tactics

If you want to be the best


The most innovative solutions

a direction in marketing, which combines online and offline actions for a set of short personal meetings with the audience for further business relations.

Monkey & Marketing

To discuss details